“Passport and Visa” Items used together. Is it different?

passport and visa

Nowadays, traveling abroad requires identification documents before entering that country. The document that will be used is Passport and visa. Does everyone know that? What is the difference between a passport and a visa, when there are duties to apply for entry into the country as well. Today we will tell everyone how passports and visas are similar or different. So what do we need to travel to each country? Let’s go find out

What is a passport

Passport means a passport that must be used to verify identity before entering that country. It is issued by the government of each country of the holder. The passport information contains personal information, date/Month/Year of birth and address according to ID card. On each trip, a passport must be valid for more than 6 months for entry into the country.

Because if the passport is not valid, it may be refused entry into that country. It is best that everyone should get a passport 6 months in advance before traveling.

The importance of passport 

You must carry your passport with you whenever you travel abroad. A passport functions like an identity card that will contain the identity of the traveler. such as who is that person, what country do you come from. This information will be specified inside the passport. That’s why do you need a passport.

passport type : There are many types, whether it is ordinary, official, diplomatic or temporary.

How many types of passport? 

There are different types of passports depending on the status of the passport holder. The passport types are as follows : 

Ordinary passport

Ordinary passport meaning is passport for the general public. It is a passport with a validity not exceeding 5 and 10 years. Once expired, it cannot be extended. You only need to get a new one.

Official passport

What’s an official passport? An official passport or service passport is a type of passport issued to government employees. Its purpose is to let officials in the destination country know that the passport holder is entering the country on official business, representing their country in an official capacity. Official passport holders usually do not receive any special privileges.

Diplomatic passport

Diplomatic passports are granted to diplomats traveling on official business and representing their home country abroad. Diplomats are appointed by the government to conduct official business abroad and maintain political, economic and social relations with other countries. Their passports generally provide certain privileges and immunities, such as immunity from prosecution and taxes in the host country.

Temporary passport

A temporary or limited-valid passport is a travel document issued by the relevant authority in your country in urgent cases. For example, your ordinary passport is lost, stolen, or damaged and you need to travel abroad in an emergency because you don’t have time to wait a few weeks before your ordinary passport is issued.

Each type depends on the factors and status of the traveler, such as a normal passport. Will be used for general travel. Most people who want to travel use this. As for official passports, they are issued to civil servants for use when traveling abroad for official work only. Cannot be used for personal purposes, etc.

For those who wish to apply for a passport, they can apply at the Department of Consular Affairs and temporary passport offices within the country.

what is visa

Visa means a travel document issued by the government of a country to a specific person. It is evidence of permission to enter the country that is made by a stamp or a piece of paper with a sticker attached to the passport. Used for various purposes when traveling into that country for the specified period of time. Most visas are valid for only 15 days or 30 days, and may be more depending on the purpose of travel. Although international travel requires a visa to enter the country, there are exceptions for some countries.

How many types of visas?

There are many types of visas divided as follows :

Transit Visa

Visa for people traveling through the Kingdom, or as many people call it transit visa. This type of visa is a visa that is issued to people who will travel to the destination country and need to change flights or other vehicles along the way to be able to stay temporarily in that country.

Tourist Visa

Tourist visas are one of the most popular visas among other types of visas. Most of the people who apply for a tourist visa are travelers or tourists who want to visit different countries. Whether it is countries in the Asian, European, or other. Including in some cases where the visa applicant wants to visit acquaintances in that country, which we will call Visitor Visa

Business Visa

For anyone who has plans to travel to make contact, trade or be involved in business. It is necessary to obtain a business visa to travel abroad. This type of visa required documents related to the agency, company, or organization for visa application. 

Student Visa

Anyone who is planning to study abroad will need a student visa. This is a permit allowing foreigners to travel into that country. This is a permit allowing foreigners to travel into that country to study at educational institutions. Student visas can also be divided into several types, such as student visas for those studying at an institution or university or short-term student visas for those who wish to study abroad for a short period of time.

Temporary work visa

Those whose purpose is to travel for work for a short period of time. or temporarily must choose to apply for a temporary work visa. Even though the visa application process is quite complicated. But once the visa results have been approved, Temporary work visas allow the visa holder to stay for a longer period of time compared to business visas.

Travel and work visa

A tourist and work visa is a type of visa that allows visa applicants to travel for tourism and work at the same time. There are slight differences between the Working Holiday Visa and the Work and Travel visa. The working holiday visa is for those who have completed higher education or meet specified criteria, while the Work and Travel Visa is for those who are currently studying.

Spouse or marriage visa

In the case where there is a married couple or spouse who is a citizen living abroad and wishes to travel to see each other. A marriage visa is required to apply for permission to travel to that country. For this type of visa, in addition to the visa applicant having to prepare various documents, the spouse must also prepare relevant documents or evidence as requested by that country.

Diplomatic visa

A diplomatic visa is a visa that allows people to perform official or diplomatic duties. Can travel within the country for a temporary period. The documents used for applying for a diplomatic visa must rely on a certificate from the organization or agency affiliated with it.

Visa at the immigration checkpoint

As many people know, not all countries require a visa because those countries are free Visa However, in some countries a visa is not required when leaving the country but when traveling into the country. It is necessary to apply for a visa at the immigration checkpoint. Also known as Visa on Arrival (VOA) 

Retirement visa

Retired visa or retirement visa. It is a visa that allows people who have reached the end of their working period. or no longer working, you can apply for this type of visa to request permission to enter the country. Those applying for a retirement visa need to prepare various documents as requested by that country.

Each type of visa has different duties and dates of stay. For example, a student visa will allow you to stay for the specified period of study or a transit visa will allow you to stay in the country you are passing through for only no more than 5 days, etc. This is an example of just some of the length of stay in each country. If you stay longer than the specified limit, it will be considered illegal and will be prosecuted according to law. After that, you may not be able to travel into that country again. For anyone who wishes to apply for a visa, you can apply at the Embassy or Visa Application Center nearest you.

what do passports look like : passport is a booklet containing various information for verifying your identity.

What is the difference between a passport and a visa?

Similarities and differences between visas and passports.A passport is a travel document issued by the government of the country in which a person is a citizen for travel abroad. A visa is a document that foreign countries will look for when we arrive. Simply put, you need to request a passport in order to apply for a visa for travel to the country you want to visit. In other words, a passport is like an ID card used to show one’s identity. A visa is a document that will be used to enter that country. However, when traveling to each country for whatever purpose, you should travel legally and documents should be processed according to the requirements of each country and should not break the rules of any country for the rights and benefits of everyone.

Passport and visa are important documents used to obtain permission to travel to most countries, which has many countries because a passport is like an ID card for use all over the world. As for the visa, it is a pass card for entering the country. These 2 things are things that must be used together when traveling abroad. If any one is missing, entry into the country may be refused. This is a universal principle but there are some countries where you can visit with just your passport or by applying for a visa upon arrival in the destination country.

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